Group Obedience Class in Newark, Delaware

(Now in Greenville, DE too!)

Not to brag, but this is Delaware’s best obedience class! I teach a very practical method of communicating with your dog that actually works; I show you how to use your dog’s new obedience commands to get better behavior in real life; and best of all, I provide lifetime follow up support through my regular clients-only pack walks.

Why group classes?

I designed this group class after recognizing how many of my board & train clients had already been to a basic obedience class. The dogs kinda knew their basic commands, but their owners had no idea how and when to use them to get better behavior. The end result is that the “commands” had basically become tricks. It’s something dog would do for a treat, but absent a treat (or if a higher value distraction was present), there would be no obedience. Hence why they ended up in my board & train program. I was happy to welcome them, but a bit sad that their other training attempts had failed. I eventually decided to design my own group obedience class that can actually help folks with their dogs, both short-term and long-term.

Obedience commands

During this class, all dogs will learn the following:

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Place

  • Leash manners (we don’t teach a strict heel, but we definitely teach to walk with you instead of dragging you!)

  • Introduction to recall

We will begin by teaching your dog the words they need to know, and then we will start adding “the 3 D’s”—duration, distance and distraction. This is how you “proof” a command for real-life use.

During our last class, we’ll also take a field trip to local dog-friendly spots on Main Street in Newark. During that field trip you’ll get lots of coaching from me on how to handle your dog in public using your new skills and methods of communication. This class is an education for the owner just as much as the dog!

Long-term support for dog owners

All graduates of my group classes receive a standing invitation to my clients-only pack walks and “Saturday Switch Ups” (other opportunities to work on new skills around other dogs). These walks are held several times a month (usually weekly) at various public locations. We primarily meet in and around Newark, but we also have the occasional pack walk in southern Delaware as well.

During these pack walks, we practice walking near other dogs and people, and we also do some obedience practice. All instruction is led by me. I can help you troubleshoot, refresh your memory on things, and answer any questions you have. These pack walks are an invaluable opportunity to stay in touch, continuing practicing with your dog with a group of like-minded dog owners, and get long term support from me.

Training approach

I am a balanced trainer, which means I train dogs using both “yes” and “no”. This class utilizes the prong collar for both general communication and leash guidance to help direct your dog on where to go and what to do, and for corrections to discourage inappropriate behaviors. This class also utilizes food rewards, praise, and body language to guide your dog and encourage the right behaviors.

Your enrollment fee includes the prong collar, a treat pouch, and a mat (for “place”) so you do not need to purchase those items in advance. During our first class we will properly fit your dog for the prong collar and I will teach you how to introduce it to your dog, and how to use it in a way that is safe and effective. It might look like a medieval torture device, but looks are deceiving—this tool is actually very safe and humane! If you are hesitant about the prong collar, you may want to check out this blog post. (Note: This post mentions the e-collar as well, but this class ONLY uses the prong collar!)


Group classes are a great fit for dogs who don’t have any major behavior issues, but who are in need of some manners and practical skills. If you’re feeling frustrated with your dog’s behavior, if you feel like they just don’t listen, or if you feel at a loss as to how to begin teaching them, then this obedience class is probably a good fit!

Four dog owners, each with a dog on a leash, pose for a photo inside of a shop on Main Street in Newark Delaware.

A group class during their final lesson, a field trip to Main Street.

In particular, here are the requirements:

  • Age: 6 months or older

  • All breeds and sizes of dogs are eligible.

  • One dog per person; if you have multiple dogs, you will need to enroll one at a time.

  • Behavior: This class is appropriate for any dog without major issues. Dogs with severe reactivity, severe anxiety, or a bite history are not eligible.

  • Owners: This class is designed for owners who want to learn how to work with their dogs, and who are willing to put in the work at home between lessons! The work you do between lessons is directly correlated with the results you get from this class. Please make sure you’re ready to learn during class and practice at home between classes!


I intentionally limit the class size to 5 dog-owner teams that way I can give each dog and owner the personalized coaching they deserve. These classes will fill fast, so please sign up asap!

Group class details - two options!

This round of group classes has TWO locations! Here are the details for each one:

greenville, DE location:

  • Tuesdays from 5pm - 6pm

  • First class is Tuesday, April 15th, last class is May 20th.

  • OUTDOOR classes:

    • Classes 1-5 outside Endless Wags in Greenville

    • Class 6 (graduation) is on Main Street in Newark, DE

  • Cost: $475 includes all 6 classes, all equipment (prong collar, treat pouch, long line) and training guide

newark, DE location:

  • Wednesdays from 5:30pm - 6:30pm

  • First class is Wednesday, April 16th, last class is May 21st.

  • OUTDOOR location in Newark - exact location will be sent after registration

  • Cost: $475 includes all 6 classes, all equipment (prong collar, treat pouch, long line) and training guide


group class application